June 24, 2023 • 09:30 WIB (Surabaya, GMT+7) •
Venue: Auditorium Museum Sepuluh Nopember, Tugu Pahlawan
Jalan Pahlawan, Alun-alun Contong, Bubutan, Surabaya, East Java 60174
Experience an exclusive TED 2023 video together and start a conversation about the possibilities that will happen for Surabaya in the future through the Fireside Chat session. You are invited to play the fun interactive games with us at Waktu Indonesia Bermain session.
Much of today’s public conversation is eaten up by zero-sum battles between divided groups. But the world doesn’t have to be zero-sum. At TEDxSurabayaLive: POSSIBILITY we will explore together a strange and beautiful space called the adjacent possible.
At a time of great challenges, this is the antidote we need. Come dream with us!
Countdown to June 24, 2023
Event Popularity: Ticket SOLD OUT
How to register for TEDxSurabayaLive: POSSIBILITY
I’m a TEDxer, and I’m proud about it! – IDR 80.000 (Sold Out)
I bring a friend, making TEDx our bias
– IDR 130.000 (Sold Out)
Student Ticket – IDR 55.000 (Sold Out)
Please confirm your registration submission and attendance to the number provided below
Husna +62 851 7237 8919 (WA only)
Our Speakers

Ersin Han Ersin
Artist, Director
Ersin Han Ersin has the capability to connect humankind and the natural world through innovative technology. He collaborates with experts from various disciplines to make this experience accessible for the public. He highlights an idea that gaining knowledge about the way other living organism function can enhance our comprehension of human existence.

Hannah Ritchie
Environmental Data Scientist
Hanna Ritchie, a data scientist, discusses the low environmental impact and its influence on future generations. According to her research, the world has made progress in lowering child mortality and expanding access to education. Yet her findings show that CO2 emissions per person have reached its peak and soon the total emissions will follow. She has a desire for individuals to perceive sustainability as an opportunity to enhance the global condition.

Shou Chew
CEO of TikTok
Shou Chew tells us the secret behind the immense popularity of TikTok! He highlights how TikTok has positioned itself as a leader in the latest phase of social media platforms. He illustrates the simplicity of establishing connections and building a social network community in TikTok. This is possible due to the fair and democratic aspect of the platform, where everyone who uploads content has an even opportunity to receive audience engagement.

Speaker Name #4
Speaker Specialization Soon To Be Revealed
The quest has begun, a mission to find the untold story of the human kind and bigger. Probing the horizon and seeking into the depth of wilderness river. Stay tune for more revelation!

Speaker Name #5
Speaker Specialization Soon To Be Revealed
The quest has begun, a mission to find the untold story of the human kind and bigger. Probing the horizon and seeking into the depth of wilderness river. Stay tune for more revelation!

Speaker Name #6
Speaker Specialization Soon To Be Revealed
The quest has begun, a mission to find the untold story of the human kind and bigger. Probing the horizon and seeking into the depth of wilderness river. Stay tune for more revelation!
Your TEDxLive Experience
Here’s what to expect at TEDxSurabayaLive: POSSIBILITY
TED 2023 Exclusive Screening
Yes, you got it right! Live from TED Theater in Vancouver, Canada. It’s the newborn ideas from every corner of the World!
Fireside Chat
Enjoy the intense discussion and debates with the experts.
Facilitators: Felix Pasila (Petra Digital Institute, Universitas Kristen Petra), Abd Khafidz Fadli (WAFT-LAB)
Good Food, Good Friends
Meet new friends and interact with each other, light snacks will be provided as your mingle companion.
Museum Tour
Walk into the pathway where time has become an illusion as historical records whisper the battle of Surabaya stories.