
Jenis Kegiatan | Event Activities


The main event of TEDxSurabaya in the form of an international conference where we will bring great people to inspire with their brilliant ideas. The speakers will present talks that will open the mindset of attendees to an idea which can be realized in a real and useful way. The theme we chose is multidisciplinary and broader. We still carry the spirit of Surabaya in this conference. Not only talks, we also provide entertainment such as music, dance, and so on.

TEDxSurabaya Xperience


Xperience is all about honing the TEDx experience. Magnificent idea installations will stimulate TEDxers’ imagination and take them on an adventure. And like a good adventure, there’s going to be prizes at the end of it!



TEDxSurabaya Salon is a unique way from TEDx event organizers to unite ideas by presenting great people who give short talks. Which makes this even more unique, this event is not a boring discussion event. Not only that, the number of attendees has been restricted and the chosen building has been in accordance with TED rules where the distance between the stage and the audience is not too far away. The theme chosen was not an ordinary theme, focusing on one theme and making the attendees need not be confused about discussing other themes.

Fireside Chat

Because we believe that everyone can inspire, we open the opportunity for TEDxers to share their ideas. In this Fireside Chat session, the TEDxers has been curated by the TEDxSurabaya organizers. Fireside Chat session provides a more “lively” discussion and gives the audience the opportunity to participate. Usually, the TEDxers who qualify will be called back to become speakers at our events such as TEDxSurabaya Salon and Conference. For further information, keep in update to our instagram: @tedxsurabaya or nominate a name of your friend/yourself at Speaker Nomination.